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8 healthy food choices for type 2 diabetes

12 October 2022

Whittle down your waistline and blood sugar levels without compromising your tastebuds — think it’s impossible? Think again.

Living with diabetes is no easy feat — those with this condition are forced to keep close tabs on their own body by measuring their blood sugar levels multiple times throughout the day, must routinely medicate themselves, and worst of all, must refrain from consuming an extensive list of foods.

You too, may want to enjoy food and play with your child, and not end up having to subject them to bland, boring and dull food.

Due to these constraints, many are understandably of the view that they cannot achieve a full and meaningful life if they are inflicted with this condition.

However, this is entirely false! The dietary guidelines imposed on diabetics appear restrictive but in reality, there is a multitude of delicious healthy alternatives that diabetics can consume.

Just take W0W® as an example — not only is it a delicious alternative to regular starch-based noodles, as a 100% clean label, plant-based protein fibre noodle that elicits 0 blood sugar spike, W0W® is perfect for consumers with blood sugar concerns as well. Aside from being diabetic friendly, W0W® is also:

  • Keto Friendly

  • A Good Source of Protein & Fibre

  • Free of Chemicals or Preservatives

  • Vegan

Still not convinced? We’ve curated a list of 7 other food swaps that diabetics can make that are just as delicious as their processed counterparts. Try them out and let us know your thoughts on them in the comments below!

1. Swap Kaya Toast to Kaya Whole-Grain Crackers

Not many Singaporeans can forgo this local breakfast favourite in favour of a healthier but less fulfilling breakfast. Well, the good news is — there’s no need to either! Just switch out the base of your toast for whole-grain crackers instead and opt for kaya with less sugar to reduce the impact on your blood sugar spike without compromising your tastebuds.

2. Swap Chips with Popcorn

The low-calories and fibre density in popcorn makes it a great diabetic-friendly snack for those with blood sugar concerns.

Its low-calorie profile might be beneficial for weight control — which is important for those with type 2 diabetes. For the uninitiated, overweight diabetics could potentially benefit from weight loss as it helps to improve blood glucose control. Studies have also shown that modest amounts of weight loss aids in reducing the risk of developing heart disease and stroke within such individuals.

Image from Diabetes Food Hub

3. Swap Candy Bars with No-Bake Energy Balls

If you’re in the vegan or yogi community, the term “No-Bake Energy Balls” would not be foreign. A favorite of all new-age health nuts, these easy-to-make portable snacks are not only convenient and healthy, but also delicious!

Use red dates if you’d like to ramp up the sweetness in your energy balls; dates are known to have low GI and are unlikely to cause blood sugar spikes — perfect for diabetics!

Image from Narrative Food

4. Swap Mashed Potatoes for Pureed Cauliflower

Can’t believe we didn’t think of this one sooner, really! Pureed cauliflower is not only visually similar, it’s taste and texture is also almost identical to that of mashed potatoes. But instead of a load of carbohydrates, pureed cauliflower offers you vitamins, minerals, and 77% of your daily value of vitamin C.

5. Regular Milk for Soya Milk

Soya milk (the unsweetened version!) is a great non-dairy based milk alternative for people with diabetes. NutriSoy’s Omega High Calcium Soya Milk contains a whopping 10.8 grams of protein with only 3 grams of carbohydrates.

Not only is it suitable for diabetics, as a non-dairy plant-based drink, soya milk is also great for the lactose-intolerant or those who simply dislike the taste of dairy.

6. Swap Soda for Fruit-infused Sparkling Water

The carbonated nature of sparkling water emulates the bubbly mouthfeel of soda whereas fruits, being naturally sweet, give flavour to the water. Taken together, the two can recreate the experience of soda without the added sugars or additives.

Plus, adding fruits into your drink may help to provide you with additional nutrients as the water-soluble vitamins in your fruits (like vitamin C!) may leech into your water during the soaking process.

Do opt for fresh fruits as opposed to canned or dried fruits for best results.

7. Swap Candy for Frozen Grapes

Well, to be honest frozen grapes taste more like little sorbet balls rather than candy. But still, they are scrumptious and delightful! Chock full of natural sugars, this food swap is sure to satisfy any diabetic with a sweet tooth. Best of all, it’s perfectly safe for diabetics!

Give these alternatives a whirl and let us know your thoughts on them in the comments section below! If you have other food hacks that you know of, don’t be shy — share them with us too!

About W0W®

W0W®, the world’s only functional food that does not trigger any blood sugar spike, is developed by KosmodeHealth Singapore. It is sustainably produced with up-cycled protein & fibre extracted from Spent Barley Grains — a waste stream from beer and malt beverage production.


As a 100% clean label, plant-based protein fibre noodle with only 32 calories per serving, W0W® is suitable for consumers with blood sugar concerns, weight concerns, or are pursuing ketogenic or plant-based diets.


Meet your nutritional needs with a uniquely Singaporean product that is Good for the People and Good for the

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