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KosmodeHealth's Sustainable Triumph: SICC Award Recognizes Innovative Collaboration

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

In addition to winning the esteemed Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) Award, Kosmode Health's innovative partnership with Nestlé Singapore and Nestlé R&D Center has established them as leaders in transformative practices. This article highlights the significant repurposing of spent barley grains for human nutrition between the 2 companies.

The Vision of Collaboration:

Kosmode Health and Nestlé started a project to find new uses for Spent Barley Grains (SBG), a leftover material from the manufacturing of malt extracts. In the hands of KosmodeHealth, this waste stream from Nestlé's factory became a valuable resource, providing a shining example of sustainability in the food industry.

Enhancing Nutritional Profiles Investigating the nutritional potential of SBG was made possible in large part by the partnership with the Nestlé R&D Center. By repurposing SBG (a food processing waste), and enhacing protein and fibres to make noodles, Kosmode Health's novel approach showed that it was possible to repurpose and maximise the value of food production waste. It has also been appropriate for creating functional foods targeted at managing diabetes as many reported having 0 Glycemic reponse upon eating the W0W(R)noodle. The Revolutionary Functional Food, W0W(R)noodle

Nestlé's supply of SBG made it possible for Kosmode Health to introduce W0W(R)Noodle, a high-protein, high-fibre noodle that can withstand the conventional rise in blood sugar levels. This represents an important turning point in the development of functional foods by providing a wholesome and long-lasting treatment for diabetes and managing weight.

SICC Award as a Beacon of Innovation

In conclusion, the achievement of Kosmode Health's joint ventures with Nestlé is evidenced by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) Award. This honor highlights the significance of creative collaborations in influencing the direction of the food industry while also honouring sustainability and change. By demonstrating the significant positive effects that sustainable practices can have on the environment and public health, Kosmode Health's dedication to converting waste streams into nutritious gold sets an example for the industry. View the full article here. View our cofounder thoughts on LinkedIn here.


For media inquiries, please contact: Chua Ming Rong

Marketing Executive, Kosmode Health Singapore Pte Ltd


KosmodeHealth’s innovation in the valorisation of food processing waste-streams has been recognised by the following organisations:

  1. Obtained the Food Resource Valorisation Award 2021 from the National Environment Agency (NEA)

  2. Listed as a reference project as part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Partnership Policy on Food Security (PPFS) WG1 workplan

  3. Awarded Best Cell Culture Development Biomedical Company 2021 by Global Health & Pharma

  4. Awarded under Most Sustainable & Most Transformational category from Singapore International Chamber of Commerce 2023

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